Sascha Manns

My personal Blog about Linux, Windows Programming and other random stuff.

Posts in März 2023

Paketaktualisierung schlägt bei postinst-Scripten fehl

Problem [English] Kürzlich brach ein apt upgrade ab, da in einem Paket ein Problem mit den Scripten vorlag, die nach der Installation ausgeführt werden sollten. Das ganze sah so aus: Das Problem lag hier also im Paket pengwin-base. Lösung Zuerst wechselte ich in das Verzeichnis /var/lib/dpkg/info und suchte die Datei pengwin-base.postinst. Jetzt öffnete ich die Date in einem …
Linux Lesson learned Pengwin Windows Subsystem for Linux

Package update fails for postinst scripts

Problem [German] Recently an apt upgrade aborted because there was a problem in a package with the scripts that were supposed to be executed after the installation. The whole thing looked like this: So the problem here was in the pengwin-base package. Solution First I changed to the directory /var/lib/dpkg/info and searched for the file pengwin-base.postinst. Now I opened the file in an editor …
Linux Lesson learned Pengwin Windows Subsystem for Linux

Minimal API-Key Lösung

Problem Ich suchte nach eine Lösung, um mit minimalem Aufwand eine minimale Lösung für API-Key-Überpüfungen. Lösung public class ApiKeyMiddleware { private readonly RequestDelegate _next; private const string APIKEYNAME = "ApiKey"; public ApiKeyMiddleware(RequestDelegate next) { _next = next; } public async Task InvokeAsync( …
.NET ASP .NET Core Lesson learned

Minimal API-Key Solution

Problem I was looking for a solution to provide a minimal solution for API key checks with minimal effort. Solution ApiKeyMiddleware.cs: public class ApiKeyMiddleware { private readonly RequestDelegate _next; private const string APIKEYNAME = "ApiKey"; public ApiKeyMiddleware(RequestDelegate next) { _next = next; } public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext …
.NET ASP .NET Core Lesson learned